KuneKune for sale

KuneKune Pigs for sale near me..there is more to it.

KuneKunes for sale: your guide to finding the perfect fit

Are you in search of KuneKune pigs for sale? Check out our guide to find the perfect fit for your farm! Covering all the basics and information you need to know before buying. It is more than just googling KuneKune pigs for sale near me. Learn how to avoid mistakes.

If you're interested in KuneKunes for sale for your farm or homestead, you'll want to make sure that you know what to look for. In this guide, we'll cover all the basics and go over everything you need to consider before purchasing.

Get to Know the KuneKune Pig Breed.

One of the first things to do when considering KuneKune pigs for sale is to get familiar with the breed. KuneKunes are friendly, non-aggressive animals that make great pets, breeding stock or homestead animals. They require minimum care and have a gentle temperament, making them an ideal choice for anyone looking for a low-maintenance pig. Additionally, they can produce two litters of piglets each year, which can be quite valuable to farmers who use them as livestock and additional income. Pigs are very prolific in general, producing 5-8 piglets per litter. 

Being a heritage breed of swine, KuneKune are hardy pigs that adapt easily to a variety of climates. In the winter, they will need a draft free area to stay out of the cold, winter weather.  In the summer, in most cases they will sleep outdoors but having a well-ventilated area will be of utmost importance.  Another need for KuneKune in the summer months is the need for mud puddles.  This is required since pigs don’t sweat, and they use the water and mud to regulate their body temperatures.

Another advantage to being a heritage breed is their ability to resist disease.  They are extremely healthy animals.  You will want to of course vaccinate and deworm on a regular schedule.  Always check with your vet before beginning a vaccination protocol as vaccination suggestions can vary depending on where you live.

Learn About Prices, Variations and Genetics.

Pricing and Investment

Before purchasing KuneKune pigs for sale, it is important to understand the prices associated with this breed. Long gone are the $2500-$3000 prices that back in 2012-2014. On average, depending on the quality, wattles, conformation, and bloodlines in general, KuneKune are $550-750.  Now you may say wow, which is a lot when you are comparing them to a commercial feeder pig for say $100.  This is true, KuneKunes are an investment but think about it.  So, you purchase two pigs as a breeding pair.  Say you paid $550 for the male and $650 for the female. You have now invested $1200.  That is less than a purebred dog.

To explain further, you breed your pair and have eight piglets.  5 are worthy of being sold as breeding stock so you will be selling each of them let’s say the middle road of $650 x 5 = $3250.00, The other three piglets are best suited for homesteading (meat animals). They are usually $350 - $400. So, $350 x 3 = $1050. So now - we

are at $4300 for the litter of piglets. Your profit after deducting your cost of the breeding pair is now $3100.  All future litters are profits!

Now those are just some general ideas so that you understand your first two piglets have replaced your investment.  There will be other cost involved of course in

raising a litter to weaning age. Mom does most of the work of course. Some of those costs are things like grain, vaccinations, deworming medicine, first aid supplies,

DNA, etc.

Genetics and Variations Within the Lines.

Also, keep in mind that the genetics and variations between individuals can vary greatly. That is important to understand when you are looking for KuneKunes for sale. Some bloodlines are bigger and mature faster while others may grow at a slower pace. Learning about the various traits of the lines is one of the most challenging parts of raising the breed. No one discusses the variations in the lines much. Learning through breeding experiences. Keeping this to themselves as breeders could give them advantages. Lucky for you, IKKPS believes in sharing our knowledge and experience. So, we will be authoring an article regarding the traits and common characteristics we find with our 10-year extensive experience with 22 KuneKune lines. Watch for that article to be posted in the future.

Something important to remember is that no two say, Wilson Ginas are going to be the same except for siblings of course. What I mean is the sire sides of 2 Wilsons females could be different. Example: Wilsons Gina / Andrew a bit different than a Wilsons Gina/ Tuahuru sow. We will dig into this more in another article.

KuneKune Size Differences

Additionally, there are also various size differences within the breed. Larger ones such as those bred for homestead use will cost more than smaller varieties meant to be kept as pets. Familiarizing yourself with these pricing nuances will help you make an informed decision about which type of KuneKune pig would work best for your budget and needs. If your primary goal is for pork production, then picking the bigger bloodlines will be best for you.

KuneKune Breed Standards

When buying your KuneKune pig, make sure that you understand and review the KuneKune Breed Standards carefully. Again, this is where being an IKKPS member is

helpful as we host virtual meetings to you can learn more about many topics related to KuneKunes such as Conformation which is a meeting coming up in March

23, 2023. So, take some time when you are looking for KuneKunes for sale to read over the KuneKune Registries Breed Standards.

Learn How KuneKunes Get Their Names

Here is something else that is important to know, male piglets are named after their sire’s bloodline name. Female piglets follow the sow’s bloodline. So, within one litter of a Jenny bred to a Mahia Love, all males are Mahia Loves’, and all females are Jenny’s. Like colors, if the piglet is male, he is a Mahia Love/ Jenny. If it is a female, it is a Jenny/ Mahia Love. So, learning the male and female bloodline names is important as well.

KuneKune Pig Colors

Kunekunes come in a variety of colors. Be sure to check out our KuneKune Color chart on the website. Some may be ginger or black while others may be cream or

spotted. Here are how Kunekune colors work; whatever color is the more dominant color that is listed first. So, if you see more ginger than black, that is ginger/black. Likewise, if you see more black than ginger, which is a black/ginger. When you are looking for KuneKunes for sale, knowing the colors is particularly important to avoid frauds. If the breeder calls the color red you will know that that breeder is not well educated on the KuneKune pig colors.

What To Look for in a Breeder & Making Your Choice.

When looking to buy a KuneKune pig from a breeder, do your research. Make sure the breeder is reputable and provides diligent care for their animals. Ask questions about the health of their pigs, as this will give you an indication of the quality and longevity of your new pig. Talk to multiple breeders to get a feel for their practices and ask what kind of selection they have so you can find the ideal fit for your needs. With all these points in mind, make an informed decision about which breeder and KuneKune pig would be best for you! Keep in mind that IKKPS will also help members with selecting the breeder pigs that may work best for you as well. So don’t hesitate to reach out to us for assistance. Everyone will be willing to offer KuneKune pigs for sale, but you must select the right breeder.


The breeder that you choose should be willing to continue to support you during your journey with KuneKunes. This means long after the sale. If the breeder that you are considering purchasing from is not willing to do anything but sell you a pig, you may want to keep looking for another breeder.  You will have questions along the way and especially if you are new to KuneKune pigs. 

As a result, I want to let you know that if you have already purchased your pigs and are not getting the support and answers that you need, that is another way that IKKPS supersedes the other KuneKune Registries.  We will mentor you, answer your questions, and offer guidance.  We remember what it was like starting out and being alone.  Winging it! Making mistakes! That is another reason IKKPS was formed is to provide our members the support and continued learning experiences that are so valuable when breeding and raising KuneKunes.

Get a Sales Contract

Please, regardless of which registry you are using, get a sales contract from the breeder.  In the event they fail to get your new pigs registered, IKKPS will step in to assist you at no charge to get them registered.  You may have to do the DNA, but IKKPS will pick the cost of registration, to help you get them registered. 

In Conclusion

We have discussed a ton of valuable information in this article.  This is meant to be a guide to those looking to add KuneKunes to their farm. Discussing the size variations, bloodline variations, breed standards, colors, and more.  Valuable information about investing in KuneKunes and how you can and will recover your initial investment as well as picking a breeder.  Remember IKKPS has no one in the leadership roles that breed KuneKunes.  There are no conflicts of interest for us, our only goals are to help our members, however, they need the help.  Being a member driven organization means that you are the boss, and we work for you.  You are at the heart of everything we do.



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