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A collection of articles about KuneKunes

KuneKune Articles

IKKPS provides our members with the best KuneKune education, with Articles, resources, and support for all their pig-related endeavors. As a result, IKKPS is simply second to none – no other member organization compares.

This section has articles about KuneKune Education topics; Articles about KuneKune Diseases, KuneKune Pork, origins, and Benefits of Raising KuneKunes. Consequently, we are digging a little deeper with articles on this page. For Instance, the next page goes in more depth so that you can continue to learn more info on KuneKunes.

Please don't forget to see our Blog section of the website where you will find a vast array of topics for further your

KuneKune education and learning opportunities.

Why KuneKune Breeders chose the KuneKune pig for their farm

Learn about what other farms are saying about why they chose KuneKune Pigs for their farms.

We asked for a few paragraphs from various KuneKune Breeders on why they chose KuneKune pigs for their homesteads and farms. It is helpful to discover what they had to say. So, take a few moments and read what they said.

Below is a list of what they had to say.

KuneKune Breeders speak out about why they chose KuneKunes.

We chose KuneKune pigs because they are so friendly, a smaller pig breed, really pretty with many different color combinations and types of markings, gentle rooters on pasture, fatten up on pasture, and SO DARN CUTE! The wattles are interesting, and their big jowls are super fun to jiggle. Their temperament is perfect for a family farm with smaller children because they will just roll over on your feet for belly rubs. When they are playful and extra happy, they jump and run for a moment, making them similar to a family dog, but one who lives outside (the best of all worlds). Yet another reason we love keeping them is that they are pretty cold hardy here in Maine since they are a lard breed, love company, and are pretty easy to move from pasture to pasture without the concern of escaping (as long as we have some yummy treats like cereal!). The longer we are around them, the more we love our KuneKunes!!

Chloe Joray of Hickory Hooves

Four years ago, my husband, son, and I purchased a property out in the country. We city folk decided it was time to get some fresh air…. Yeah, kind of like that old show Green Acres. We’ve happily jumped on the homestead/farmstead bandwagon and haven’t looked back. We’ve certainly done things our own way: buying six fully established beehives in the fall instead of baby beehives in the spring. When it came to pigs, though, we researched what kind we wanted, but couldn’t really make up our minds. A friend had some Duroc/Red Wattle and GOS/Red Wattle crosses for sale as feeder pigs, and we thought we’d give them a try. While they were cute when they were little, and not aggressive when bigger, they were just boring pigs. Eventually, these four pigs began to cost $50 every 3-4 days in feed, and we knew this wasn’t sustainable for our situation. Then another friend asked us to her farm to help dispatch a dying animal. After the deed was done, my husband and I socialized with the other couple for a while (who doesn’t love meeting kindred spirits), and they introduced us to their incredibly personable Kune Kune pigs. We were utterly won over by their genuinely sweet, affectionate attention, and the fact that this breed would GRAZE instead of eating us out of house and home. As we have an almost pre-teen in the house, pinching pennies will be important in the years to come! We ended up taking home six of their kunekunes and have loved every minute with them! The youngest, Kermit, is so spoiled, that after eating he will wiggle between me and any other pig, I might be petting to get his own belly rubs’. I can’t imagine owning any other breed of pig. These KKs have fit right in and made themselves at home on our farm and in our hearts.

by Laura Sparkman of Fieldstone Farm

 I chose kune kunes because I was given an opportunity to own some and when I got them, they were friendly. Loving little creatures. They are absolutely beautiful, and they don’t push me or bite me anything. They are smaller than my other pigs and I can manage them easier. They get moved easily to fresh grass and they don’t rutt holes they grace my land - they are an absolutely perfect breed of pig to me

by Elizabeth Parsons of Parsons Ranch

We chose KuneKune pigs for our homestead because we wanted smaller pigs that were less destructive. We also use every animal on the farm for meat/dairy purposes. So, their meat quality is very important to us. I fell in love with the breed about 3 years ago at Mullins Farm in Central Arkansas. Their personality and gentle nature just stole my heart.

by Priscilla Hall of Obie-Toot Homestead

 As someone new to pigs, I researched various pig breeds before making a decision regarding which breed, we'd like to add to our farm. After finding out that KuneKunes were one of the most docile and friendly breeds, I was intrigued! I also liked the fact that they don't root as much as other breeds do. After visiting with some KuneKunes at local farms, I knew they were the right breed for us. Their temperament is unbeatable, and I like their smaller stature. In addition, I learned that IKKPS existed and that KuneKunes could be registered. This is excellent for those wanting to breed and improve genetics. We now have our own KuneKunes and I couldn't be more in love with their personalities!

by Mikayla Johnson of Bittersweet Farm

 6:08 am, “Honey…wake up…the pigs are out again!” This basically became our morning routine, waking up to objects being knocked over, the dogs barking and herding, calls from the neighbors…sleepy eyed pulling our muck boots on over our pj’s at first light to lure the pigs back once again into their pen. After months of this grueling morning routine and what seemed to be the 99th temporary fence repair, we stumbled upon an article that talked about the Kunekune breed and that one of their many desirable traits was a lack of wanting to escape and how easy they are on fences. And so began the story of finding new homes for our potbellies and crosses and transitioning to pure Kunekunes only for our farm! And we never looked back…and never made another fence repair!

by Lindsey Dennis of Kaohe Corral

My first pigs were potbelly crosses. I never thought I could love something so much. But they are prolific and able to be pregnant by the time they’re three months old, spaying and neutering is very costly, and they’re not necessarily friendly to everybody they’ve met. Iona boarding facility and have other people on my property on a regular basis, and I had a couple that would put people on picnic tables.

I found the Cooney Cooney pigs and absolutely fell in love, and I have never looked back. They are a joy to be around, they’re safe, fun, and beautiful.

I never got into this for meat production. I got into this because I enjoyed the animals. I purchased good stock from good people and that is super important. If you’re going to do this and reproduce buy quality stock as the purchase price is the least amount of expense overall.

My main niche is folks who need Pirma culture in Northern California. I saw a lot of my Piglets going to wineries needing an alternate source of vegetation control for our wicked fire seasons. These pigs are far more sense-friendly than sheep and goats, and they don’t climb the grapevine with the berries so they can noodle around and eat the grasses under the grapevines without having to add poisons and chemicals.

I honestly can’t see myself not having some in my life, and I definitely would never have a different breed.

by Lisa Montoya of Hogs N Kisses KuneKunes

We always dreamt of having a farm but never thought we had the time. Living on 10 acres with dogs and cats, having kids in sports, and full-time jobs, how could we add more to our plate? When my mom was diagnosed with Alzheimers, we decided to re-prioritize what is important in our lives and how best we could truly value the time we have. Farming made it high on the priority list. Being new to it and after lots of research, we knew chickens, rabbits, and kunekune pigs were where we wanted to start. We were immediately drawn to kunekunes for being a slow growing, heritage breed that enjoys pasture and has quality meat. Kunekunes are by far our farm favorite, so adorable and always happy to see us no matter what is going on. Thrive H4 Farm went from 0 to 6 kunekune pigs in less than 24 hours in July 2023 and we have not looked back. Our family looks forward to the journey of farming and cherishing our time together.

by Angie Hughes of Thrive H4 Farm

Benefits of Raising KuneKune Pigs

This was published in the American Livestock Magazine and was written by Kathy Petersen of Virginia KuneKunes.

First, if you have been following the last few articles, you are getting more familiar with the breed of KuneKune Pigs. Therefore, for this article, I would like to discuss the many benefits of raising KuneKune Pigs on your farm. Furthermore, you will hear from some KuneKune Breeders across the country and what they say about raising KuneKune Pigs on their farms and the many uses they have for this delightful breed.

First, if you have been following the last few articles, you are getting more familiar with the breed of KuneKune Pigs. Therefore, for this article, I would like to discuss the many benefits of raising KuneKune Pigs on your farm. Furthermore, you will hear from some KuneKune Breeders across the country and what they say about raising KuneKune Pigs on their farms and the many use they have for this delightful breed.

  • ·         They are easy, docile, and friendly animals making them easy to handle
  • ·         They are a cost-effective breed to raise due to their ability to primarily graze.
  • ·         They do not destroy your pastures and root-like other pigs
  • ·         They do not destroy fencing
  • ·         Farming livestock offers tax advantages
  • ·         If you are farming for pork production, you can know where your food is coming from and how they are raised
  • ·         Raising livestock is a great learning experience for children
  • ·         Enjoyment of making a difference in preserving a heritage breed
  •       They save you time on cutting the grass
  • ·         They provide manure that is beneficial to gardeners.
  • ·         They clean up gardens for you
  • ·         They clean up orchards for you.

See what KuneKune Breeders are saying about the breed

From the state of Oregon: “Although KuneKunes are known for their excellent quality pork, I do not harvest my pigs, nor have I sold them for the butcher. Instead, I have focused on the KuneKune breed for their wonderful qualities as companion animals. Due to the way the breed developed in the villages of the Māori; they are especially extremely human-identified. First, they are easy to manage, and given adequate space, have a minimal impact on their environment. Their calm and affectionate nature makes them wonderful, intelligent pets. In fact, they bring a unique joy to the farm and all who meet them fall in love. I can’t imagine the place without them.” …

KuneKune Breeders in Virgina are saying

From the state of Virginia: “Here, on our farm, Kunes serves many purposes. One of their most important purposes is their role in our land management program. For us, and many who are familiar with this wonderful breed, it is an easy, inexpensive program that can be utilized year-round. Undoubtedly, this is a particularly important part of the program - fertilizing. We simply clean up the manure twice a week and compost it. At the same time, the frequency of cleanup will depend on the size of your pasture and herd. The more you have, the more often you will want to compost.

When we are ready to start our garden or re-grow our pasture, we spread it as needed. Another wonderful quality is that Kunes keeps pests away, especially snakes. Whether you have an infestation in the country or just enough to worry you in the city, no job is too big or too small for Kunes!

Lastly, the third main component in our land management program is land clearing. If you have a wooded area that needs to be cleaned out, let them loose, they are great at clearing out underbrush. Most importantly, at the end of a harvest, let them out into your garden or crop. They will eat whatever you have. This will save you labor and expenses all while feeding your beloved Kunes a delicious, organic meal!” …

See how they are beneficial to some breeders

From the state of Mississippi: “My KuneKunes are beneficial to my farm in many ways. Not only are they efficient grazing animals, but they also serve as my own personal therapist. Since I work in a retail setting 40 hours per week, I am stressed by the end of my workday. After a long day at work, I can come home and sit in the barnyard with the pigs, and they immediately put a smile on my face. Furthermore, my spirits were lifted by their amazing personalities, and I refueled for another day. My KuneKunes truly offer me an extraordinary amount of stress relief. I cannot imagine my life without these awesome little pigs.” …

From the state of California:  "KuneKunes for sustainable pork production- Especially in a time when an increasing number of consumers are looking for responsible and sustainable options to supply meat for their families, KuneKunes stands out as an excellent option for pasture and small acreage pork production. Without a doubt, the KuneKunes' placid nature, tendency to graze, reasonable litter size, and ability to marble on low-quality forage, make it an attractive breed for hobby farms, mowing orchards, and vineyards, as well as inclusion within Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) systems.

Farmers in regions where pasture is not lush throughout the year will find KuneKunes easily supplemented on surplus food stuffs, such as nut mass, spent brewer's grain, cider mash, and bruised/unmarketable vegetables and produce.”.

KuneKunes are indispensable...

From the state of South Carolina: “KuneKunes are an indispensable part of our farm’s homesteading and self-sufficiency operations. As grazers, they are extremely economical to raise for showing, piglet sales, and pork production. Additionally, they keep our orchard clear of fallen fruit, recycle the waste from our gardens and kitchen; and because they are grass-fed, produce extremely high-quality compost that we use to enrich the soil throughout the farm. It’s a big bonus that they are friendly, easy to manage, and only plain cute!” …

From the state of Illinois: “KuneKunes have an almost human personality. You just can't help falling for them. They become part of your family.” 

What a Breeder in North Carolina has to say:

From the state of North Carolina: First, when considering a pig as a pet one should consider a Kune as they are easy to train, require little care, they love to graze, and they thrive in a family setting and love children! As a rule, I first began my love of pigs after watching Arnold on Green Acres as a child. I was in love with pigs and both their appearance and nature.

Particularly, as I entered my retirement years, I decided a pig was something I could not add to my small farm because of their enormous size, rooting problems, and the inability to move such a large animal easily. Obviously, then I discovered Kune, and my life has been enriched ever since. Kunes are known for their laid-back and very docile temperament. Along with how they react calmly to most all situations and because of their nature they are unbelievably valuable as a loyal companion. If you raise chickens, goats, or any other small livestock, Kunes will be a welcome companion. Kunes are quite sociable and often very entertaining.

What Breeders in New Hampshire and Washington have to say

From the state of New Hampshire: “Why raise KuneKune pigs you ask? Because they graze. KuneKune pigs are known to fatten on grass with extraordinarily little if any desire to root. The nutrients they get from the grass are healthier for them and for us if utilized as finished pork. You can save at least a quarter of your average feed cost by allowing them to graze on the free grass that grows in your established pasture. Grazing pigs do much less work for you, minimizing the need to shovel and move their waste. Allowing your pigs to graze will naturally fertilize and improve the quality of your pasture.” …

From the state of Washington: “We selected purebred KuneKunes for our farm because they are extremely friendly, do not root or challenge fences, and because their meat is exquisite due to its higher fat content than commercial breeds. They will eat anything from our orchard and garden except onions and garlic. With a breeding pair, a family can keep themselves in pork year-round. They are the easiest and most rewarding animals we have ever owned.” …

Arizona breeder talks about KuneKune Meat.

From the state of Arizona: “KuneKune pigs are the perfect homestead hog. First, having 1 boar and 2 sows will supply the homestead with meat, lard for making soap and for cooking, and an excess of pork to use for barter or for income. KuneKune pigs only weigh 150 and up pounds at butcher weight so a family can easily handle butchering and consume that amount of meat in a reasonable time.

The pigs will fatten on pasture and extra vegetables from the garden and any other leftovers other than meat or sweets. KuneKune pigs are friendly with people so there are no worries about having your children around them. Even when they have piglets the sows are not aggressive.

Secondly, they farrow easily and produce plenty of milk for the piglets. With their upturned snouts, they are not hard on pasture. In fact, they are tidy little pigs. Indeed, they will choose one area of their pasture to use as a bathroom making it easier to clean up after them. Absolutely, they do not eliminate in their pig houses or in the area where they are fed. KuneKune pigs are super friendly, easy to raise, and they will teach you and your children so much!”

What New York says about the ease of handling KuneKunes

From the state of New York: “The KuneKune pig's manageable size, ability to fatten primarily on pasture, extremely docile nature and excellent health make them an ideal pig for our farm. Our busy schedules with children, other businesses, volunteer time, and the farm require livestock that is easy to do chores around, requires minimal healthcare intervention, and can coexist in our pastures and barns. 

First, our chickens, pigs, and alpacas live together in unison, grazing together in the fields and sharing stalls in the barn. The KuneKune pigs are not only easy to care for but make everyday chores a delight. Likewise, their sweet individual personalities have made them endear and they bring a smile to all who meet them, whether a child or an adult. The KuneKune is a perfect fit for those who want to raise livestock but have busy lives outside the farm. 

So, you have heard first-hand how farmers all over the country are raising and using KuneKune Pigs on their farms. Furthermore, we hope that you enjoyed this article, and we look forward to sharing more with you.

written by Kathy Petersen of Virginia KuneKunes for the American Livestock Magazine as a KuneKune Educational Article.

In conclusion, you can see that KuneKune Pigs bring a wide variety to KuneKune Breeders across the USA. No wonder they are spreading from coast to coast.

With four pages dedicated to KuneKune education, we are sure to cover almost every topic about KuneKunes there can be to learn about. We provide KuneKune educational articles for all pig enthusiasts who wish to learn more about this incredible breed.

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