KuneKune Registry
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KuneKune Registry

KuneKune Registries

What is a KuneKune Registry and Why is it Important?

KuneKune Registry - What is a KuneKune Registry and why is it important? This article explains what they are and why they play a crucial role in preserving the breed's genetics and history.

KuneKune pigs are a unique and beloved breed, known for their friendly personalities and distinctive appearance. To ensure the preservation of their genetics and history, KuneKune registries play a crucial role. In this article, we'll explore what KuneKune registries are and why they are important for the breed's future.

What is a KuneKune Registry?

A KuneKune Registry is an organization that maintains records of KuneKune pigs and their lineage. These registries keep track of the breed's genetics and history, including information about each pig's parents, grandparents, and other ancestors. By maintaining accurate records, KuneKune registries help ensure the breed's genetic diversity and prevent inbreeding. They also provide a way for breeders to connect and share information about their pigs, as well as a resource for those interested in learning more about the breed.

Why are KuneKune Registries Important?

KuneKune Registries are important for several reasons. Firstly, they help maintain the breed's genetic diversity and ensure that breeders have access to a wide range of tools to make informed breeding decisions. This is important for the long-term health and viability of the breed. Secondly, registries provide a way for breeders to connect and share information about their pigs, which can help improve breeding practices and promote the overall health and well-being of the animals. Finally, registries serve as a valuable resource for those interested in learning more about the breed, providing information about the history, characteristics, and care of KuneKune pigs.

This is an area where the International KuneKune Pig Society excels.  We realize that the more our members and other enthusiasts of the breed learn, the more we are helping preserve this breed for future generations to enjoy.

How to Register Your KuneKune Pig.

Registering your KuneKune pig is a key step in preserving the breed's genetics and history. To register your pig, you will need to provide information about its lineage, including the names of its parents and grandparents. You will also need to provide DNA samples to confirm its genetic identity and parentage verification. This is done through the labs at UC Davis. 

Once your pig is registered, it will be added to the registry's database and assigned a unique identification number. This number can be used to track your pig's lineage and breeding history and can also be used to verify its pedigree when selling or breeding. Registering your KuneKune pig is a crucial step in preserving the breed's genetics and history. To register your pig, you will need to provide information about its lineage, including the names of its parents and grandparents. You will also need to provide DNA samples to confirm its genetic identity and parentage verification. This is done through the labs at UC Davis. All breeding pigs will need to have DNA samples. If it is a grazing pig, no DNA is needed as this animal is not meant for breeding but, for a pork program.

Once your pig is registered, it will be added to the registry's database and assigned a unique identification number. This number can be used to track your pig's lineage and breeding history and can also be used to verify its pedigree when selling or breeding.

Benefits of Registering Your KuneKune Pig.

Registering your KuneKune pig has many benefits, including preserving the breed's genetics and history. By registering your pig, you are contributing to the overall health and well-being of the breed. Registered pigs are also more valuable when it comes to breeding and selling, as their pedigree can be verified, and purity and parentage can also be proven.

Additionally, being part of a KuneKune registry community can provide access to resources and support for pig owners. Overall, registering your KuneKune pig is a crucial step in ensuring the future of the breed.

The Importance of KuneKune Registries for the Future of the Breed.

KuneKune registries play a crucial role in preserving the breed. By registering your pig, you are contributing to the overall health and well-being of the KuneKune community. Not only does registration increase the value of your pig for breeding and selling, but it also provides access to resources and support for pig owners. As the popularity of KuneKune pigs continues to grow, it's important to prioritize the preservation of the breed's unique characteristics, diversity, and history. Registering your pig is a simple yet impactful way to do just that.

The Different KuneKune Registries

Now let’s look at the KuneKune Registries.  There are three main KuneKune Registries in the USA and Canada, and we will explore more about each one.

International KuneKune Hog Registry - IKHR

The first KuneKune Registry was the American KuneKune Breeder’s Association which later became the American KuneKune Pig Registry. Again, they changed their name to the International KuneKune Hog Registry. Located in Canada. They were the first organization to implement rules for registering that are still used throughout all the registries. Credited with the requirement for parentage verification through DNA that is still observed by all KuneKune Registries. Likewise, they are also responsible for the founding of the first KuneKune Herd book.

The IKHR is focused on preservation through utilization as a meat pig. They are focused on a bigger, faster-growing KuneKune. They do require that you must be a member to do registrations with their organization. Registrations are free and you pay to register a breeder prefix each year. IKHR uses prefixes in naming KuneKunes.

It is important to note that this organization will only register animals that have two wattles, and they only accept ear tags. They do not really offer much in the way of continued learning opportunities but, they do offer KuneKune Shows that they do themselves. These shows have set the basis for all the other shows and their shows are very well done. Their primary focus is the meat aspect.

American KuneKune Pig Society

Next is the American KuneKune Pig Society – AKKPS. Founded by Matt Burton, Kathy Petersen, Christopher Rowley, and Lisa Helfer in 2013. Over time Kathy Petersen was the only founder to remain active in the organization for 10 years and she was the sole registrar for the organization until she left the organization in December 2023. She volunteered her services for over 3 ½ years.

This organization is managed by 7 directors including a President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Chairman of the board. The board makes decisions that they feel are in their member's best interest and will on occasion put various things out for a membership vote. They utilize another organization for their shows and all funds for those shows go to the other organization. Various board members process registrations.

Points to consider

As you can imagine, a founder of one organization starting another KuneKune Registry, was not well received. Currently, they are not accepting IKKPS dual registration into their registry. The true goal of any registry is to protect and preserve the breed, this is a direct conflict with those goals. Especially when IKKPS requirements for registering are the same.

However, IKKPS remains focused on making IKKPS the best organization that we can for our members. Striving for excellence, we are busy trying to make IKKPS the best KuneKune Registry we can be.

International KuneKune Pig Society

Join the International KuneKune PIg Society

Now while the IKKPS is a newer organization, it is truly centered around helping breeders be successful. There are a ton of membership benefits and even add-on benefits that are relevant to helping a breeder be successful.

Members are the focus, and the organization leaders are all former KuneKune Breeders and other professionals who have no ulterior motives. We are centered on helping each breeder to be successful instead of ourselves. IKKPS is truly about helping the members be successful.

Through Breeder promotion, which is a free membership benefit, we spend a huge amount of our resources advertising individual breeders, their farms, and the animals that they have for sale. This is done for all members and not just a few select favorites.

Membership cost is low, and per member request, there are two membership options. The All-Inclusive member is exactly what it is! Free registrations! For our members who do not register much, there is a much lower-cost membership option. The fees are $8-12. So with IKKPS, you can choose which option works best for you.

We offer many membership benefits, including free advertising. We get your farm and breeding program out to thousands of social media folks utilizing many pages with over 3,000 members. Most importantly, membership, registrations, and any other costs are tax deductible as well.

Additional Benefits of Being with IKKPS

Providing videos, articles, and eBooks all in-house utilizing our own experiences on our KuneKune farms to help support and offer continued learning experiences to all our members. We mentor all members who choose to use our knowledge and experience. Recently added was the addition of KuneKune Shows which are done in-house as well excluding the non-biased judge. Picking an experienced livestock judge who is outside of the KuneKune community so that every member has an equal opportunity to earn show titles.

We offer 4 newsletters a year and monthly we send out eBlast so that members can stay informed on things going on in the organization and opportunities to learn. Offering monthly virtual meetings which is such a fun, relaxing way to learn and meet fellow KuneKune Breeders all over the country. Building a community of KuneKune breeders, one member at a time.

Our specialty is in mentoring, offering support and guidance for new members. Even those not new to the breed will learn something of value. Most importantly, we are there for our members, however, they need us, and they can reach out to us however they wish. It is nothing for me to get text messages late in the evenings and on weekends outside of normal business hours. Sometimes needing help does not happen during normal business hours. Therefore, we try to ensure we are easily accessible to the members. The membership is who we are working for.

In conclusion

The KuneKune Registry is vital to the preservation of the breed for future generations and finding the fit that best works for your beliefs and practices is especially important. I invite you to take some time and visit the websites of each of the three organizations and see what they have to offer you, it must be a good fit for you to get the full benefits of being a member. What membership benefits do you get? Just as one size does not fit all, one KuneKune Registry may not fit as well as another. Look at their membership benefits and see what they offer. 

Advertising is expensive. Pick a registry that helps promote you as a breeder, helps you sell your KuneKunes, and offers education and learning opportunities. So, join an organization that is about YOU and helping YOU be successful.



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