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New page dedicated to breeding
We are so excited about our new page added to the website about KuneKune Breeding where we will discuss breeding KuneKune pigs, farrowing quarters, and farrowing KuneKunes. This will be a work in progress, but we have posted a new article which is over 2790 words. So much information is in that article and if you prefer to read it in eBook format, we have also added that to the IKKPS KuneKune eBooks library page.
We will continue to add subpages regarding farrowing quarters preparations, a first aid kit for farrowing to have on hand, birthing KuneKune pigs and so much more educational information about KuneKunes. Currently, this page will have an exceptionally lengthy article with topics of preparing for breeding season, when is the right age to breed, when KuneKunes reach sexual maturity, picking your breeding pair, where to house the pregnant female, and even how to care for the pregnant female and so much more information. We are extremely proud of this article and of all the invaluable help it will be to all KuneKune breeders.
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